Right now, I'm sitting in the new "Multi-cultural Center" at UNL, watching the clouds get darker and darker. It seems a storm is brewing, with the occasional crack of lightning. There is still a light from the sun though, glimmering through the clouds like artwork.
For the past few months, I haven't really blogged at all...not to say that I haven't tried. I probably have about 5 drafts saved in Facebook alone. Most of them either start out winy, or I'm trying to philosophical/intelligent/
Ya know, being the cool college girl that I am (heh), I tend to focus on myself a lot. Not that focusing on yourself every once in awhile is a bad thing...but you see, I'm actually prone to dumb actions thanks to my sinful nature. Like the other day...I got a test grade back, that brought one of my classes down to a B. You know what I did? Name calling. Evil bad stupid name calling to myself. I also let my desires get the best of me. Sadly, that includes the judgments of others, who you know what? I don't know. Those people who I judge? They don't deserve that. Dumb dumb dumb. Oh yeah...dumb.
The list could really go on for awhile...and the fact that I'm forgiven for all of my crap makes me gaze in awe.
Like, fall on my feet, in awe.
My incredible boyfriend Caleb bought me the newest Rocket Summer CD. Why? He's awesome, and he's fine with me drooling over his vocals. One of my favorite new songs on it is called "I Need a Break, But I'd rather have a Breakthrough"...
I need a break, but I'd rather have a breakthrough
I'm losing my sleep running after you
But still, I'd rather have a breakthrough
So I don't stop making moves
I need a break, but I'd rather have a breakthrough
I'm tripping on hurdles running after you
But I can see it right at my fingertips
Isn't it classic?
The clouds are starting to turn orange.
All of this good music blasting through my earbuds, with the sounds of rain pouring in the background makes me see a spiritual application in all of this.
The words that we are promised, the words that we don't hear, the feelings and emotions that we feel, will let us down. It breaks my heart to be let down so often, and it hurts me even more when I let myself down. I want to portray this perfect, Godly life so much...but that's hard to do when you forgot about the one who is truly in charge: Jesus Christ.
Like the sunlight streaming in through the clouds of darkness...Jesus is our breakthrough. Our lives here on Earth can be, just, so...heart-breaking. Coincidentally, God's here to mend that rip...He is always there to comfort us when the thunder in our lives are brewing. Everything that He is, is in us.
Let me repeat that.
That love that HE has, is in YOU, and ME! Um, yeah.
So, friends, if you read to the end of this little ramble on the GREAT love of Jesus...well, I hope you can see just how wonderful you truly are. Please don't focus on the thunder and lightning of whatever storm you're living in...the light will overcome it. The darkness may look like it'll overtake everything...but trust me. It won't. I have faith.
His love is at our fingertips, and it'll go on FOREVER.
Song of Solomon 8:6
Place me like a seal over your heart, like a seal on your arm; for love is as strong as death, its jealousy unyielding as the grave. It burns like blazing fire, like a mighty flame.