I realized earlier, that I have not posted an update on here since MAY! Let me tell you, Blogger, a lot of wonderful things have happened in my life since then...So, in honor of Thanksgiving, I have decided to post my annual "thankful" list...Hopefully it can catch up of some of the tidbits of my daily existence. In no particular order...(minus the first two posts)...I present my list of love and appreciate for the simple things around me, that make this life, oh so good.
1. First and foremost, Jesus Christ tops my list of amazement. The following things that I will list, are simply a representation of the things that He has blessed me with this past year. Christ will always ALWAYS remain the one in control of my life...because let's face it, I don't have any control of it anyway. The Lord is so simply good to His children, His LOVE will endure for ever!

2. This September, I became ENGAGED to the most wonderful man I have ever met. Caleb is the epitome of everything that I could of ever dreamed about in a husband, and SOOO much more. And just thinking about seven months from today (June 25, 2011) brings tears of joy to my eyes. I don't even care that my future full name won't fit completely in a scan-tron, I am so excited, and thankful, and blessed, and enthralled to be Mrs. Kaylee Sueverkruepp. (For those of you who don't know how to pronounce it, it's SEE-VER-CREW-OOP)
3. I am thankful that I have a very supportive, and loving family. They are ALWAYS there for me, whether I have bronchitis and a sinus infection, or if I need to girl talk about wedding flowers (my dad, not so much).
4. The Family Science department at UNL. Since switching my major, I feel like I have been integrated into the major, and I feel apart of the "family". And I'm only three classes deep!
5. Always having my getaway college from college at WSC! I love and appreciate the people there so much.
6. Enough said... http://www.theknot.com
7. Jessie Traudt, Alison Willis, Meghan Vilter, Kate Michael, Janelle Forsman, and Missy Brown
8. My little red Schwinn that gets me around everywhere on campus. I also love the fact that whenever I'm at a bike rack with someone else, I always get complements on how cute it is. hah
9. The Johnny Carson Office, and all of the incredible people who work there.
10. White popcorn and diet cherry 7up.
11. My grandma's stuffing on Thanksgiving.
12. Youtube pilates videos, so I don't have to go out and buy my own DVD.
13. NuVibe smoothies.
14. Erick Sueverkruepp, and how he is the giggliest little baby I think I've ever met. (And he'll offically be my nephew in seven months!)
15. How cheap wedding bubbles are to order. 48 for 8 dollars!
16. All of the campers at Timberlake that have accepted Christ for the first time for the past two years. Those boards never cease to amaze me about God's Almighty power.
17. Jesus revealing this summer at Timberlake, that Caleb and I were ready to get married to one another, and that it was apart of HIS plan.
18. Warren Buffett's heart and generosity.
19. Skim Carmel Apple Chai Tea Lattes.
20. 17 current credit hours that are getting demolished by yours truly.
21. Next semester's break of 12 credit hours.
22. The Timberlake staff of 09' and 10'. : )
23. My dogs, Molly Meyer, Max Meyer, and Maddy Meyer. But especially Max. : )
24. Cuddling
25. Scanner-guns!
There are so many more things that I am thankful for. Consider this a glimpse.
"Enter his gates with thanksgiving
and his courts with praise;
give thanks to him and praise his name.
For the LORD is good and his love endures forever;
his faithfulness continues through all generations."
-Psalm 100:4-5