Monday, March 9, 2009

Hello Cruel World

Something that God has defiently been showing me lately is that this dear, sweet, little world of ours is quite cruel. The people that we know, the places that we spend our time at, the people who love us the most, can be the things that can break us down and hurt us the most. This past week has not been healthy for me at all mentally. The things that people can say, and the punches they can throw, can really make a beautiful person feel ugly. And through that pain that we suffer from...we grow...and we see the other things in our life that mean the most to us in a whole new light. A family in Him emerges. Christ is always there for us through the rain...He is the sunshine, peaking through the storm, saying "Here I am, my love, let me wisk you away out of that cold storm, and you can bask in my warmth." This pre-graduation storm that Satan's kept over my head is no match for the SON.